Monday, April 27, 2009

Update on life!

My lack of blogging has no excuses. So I will not try to explain myself.

I feel like an update is needed and I would like to make my third attempt in getting back into the blogger world.

First of all, I'm not sure how many people know this but I'm currently in the interviewing process of trying to go to Japan. I'm sure everybody has heard me talk about wanting to teach overseas since I've wanted to for 8 years. I've also been applying and attempting for 2 years now. I met with the recruiter two Sundays ago and it went great! The school is called MeySen Academy. It is located in the suburb of Sendai, Japan. The school is a program for kindergarten Japanese students. They learn English through immersion. They also have an after school program for grades 1-6 and Ally Ferrell is applying for that position. My official interview is May 26th in Seattle. I will be flown up there to interview with 4 representatives from the school! Wish me luck! The bad part is this: If I am offered a job I will have to accept sooner rather than later. Ally will not be able to interview until October because of the position she is applying for. In other words, there is the possibility that I would be going all alone. I have come to terms with that but I REALLY want Ally to get it too.

The school year starts in February and ends in March. That means starting in June I'm jobless! I will still be getting pay checks through August though so really starting in September I'm jobless. I've applied at Anthropologie but haven't heard back. I really want the discount! I will also be moving to my parent's house until I leave.

Anyways, that's the update on my life. I would say there is a 98.7% chance I won't be in Texas next year. I say that because as I'm sure most of you have heard me talk about, I have about a million back up plans. These currently or have included the following: Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Colorado, Washington D.C., Tennessee, etc. Australia being the main one. So if I don't get hired to go to Japan then I still won't be in Dallas.

Update on my current teaching gig: It is going great! We have a countdown till the end of the year. All my students have started getting in summer mode and are super hyper. Not that they weren't always hyper but it is out of control. Sometimes I just want to sit down and not do anything. Testing is in 2 weeks so I'm prepping for that. My kids are still hilarious and weird.


Cris said...

I appreciate the abrupt ending to this post. Love, Cris

Arlington TV Installation said...

Hello mate, nice post